Extra Click Event if Double-Click Mouse while Button Is Down

ID Number: Q77738





When one mouse button is held down, double-clicking the other button

generates one more Click event than necessary.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

The following code demonstrates how an extra Click event is generated

when double-clicking one mouse button while holding down the other.

The problem does not occur when double-clicking either mouse button


Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Start Visual Basic and choose New Project from the File menu

(ALT, F, N).

2. Double-click on the form or press F7 to bring up the code window.

3. Enter the following code in the Form_Click event procedure for


Sub Form_Click ()

Print "Click"

End Sub

4. Enter the following code in the Form_DblClick event procedure:

Sub Form_DblClick ()

Print "DblClick"

End Sub

5. Enter the following code in the Form_MouseDown event procedure:

Sub Form_MouseDown ()

Print "Down"; Button

End Sub

6. Enter the following code in the Form_MouseUp event procedure:

Sub Form_MouseUp ()

Print "Up"; Button

End Sub

7. From the Run menu, choose Start.

8. Using the right mouse button, double-click anywhere on the form.

The output to Form1 should be as follows:

Down 2

Up 2



Up 2

9. Press and hold the left mouse button. The output to Form1 should be

as follows:

Down 1

10. While holding the left mouse button down, double-click with

the right mouse button and keep the left mouse button down.

The output to Form1 should be as follows:

Down 2

Up 2



Up 2


The last Click was not generated when double-clicking with the right

mouse button alone (as illustrated in step 8 above). This additional

call to the Click event procedure is not expected behavior and is a

problem with Visual Basic. The problem also occurs when the right

mouse button is held down and you double-click the left mouse button.

Additional reference words: 1.00