PRB: OpenFile Function Documented Incorrectly

ID Number: Q85328

3.00 3.10




The OpenFile function is documented on pages 4-322 through 4-325 of

the "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Reference Volume 1"

for Windows 3.0 and on 731 through 733 of the "Microsoft Windows

Software Development Kit: Programmer's Reference, Volume 2: Functions"

for Windows 3.1.

Each reference includes a table to document the third parameter of the

OpenFile function. Both tables document the use of the OF_CANCEL and

OF_PROMPT values incorrectly. The correct documentation is as follows:

Value Meaning

----- -------

OF_CANCEL Does nothing.

OF_PROMPT Displays a dialog box if the requested file does not exist.

The dialog box informs the user that Windows cannot find

the file. When the user chooses the Close button in the

dialog box, OpenFile returns the HFILE_ERROR error value.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10