Cannot Backup Disk

ID Number: Q28216

5.10 5.10a




While trying to make backup copies of the Microsoft Macro

Assembler (MASM) 5.1 distribution disks one of the disks will not

copy. The disk that will not copy is labeled "Microsoft CodeView

and Utilities for MS-OS/2."


The disk should be fine. The information on this disk is required

only by individuals who have MS-OS/2 and was intentionally saved

on a high-density formatted disk.


Since OS/2 must be run on a 286 or 386 machine, reading this disk

will not be a problem since these machines typically have

high-density floppy drives.

If your machine is less than a 286, you probably have a

low-density disk drive and you will not be able to read this disk;

however, you will not be running under MS-OS/2 and will not need

the information on the disk anyway.