Standard Approach for Developing TSRs

ID Number Q23270




What are Microsoft's recommendations or suggestions for

a standard approach for memory resident routines,

especially those routines that monitor keyboard inputs?

I am not concerned with the use of the various interrupt

vectors and function codes, but rather with the methods and

procedures that would minimize the potential for crashes

and program contentions caused by competing resident



Unfortunately, there is no standard approach for writing

memory resident routines. All software developers program

their Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) routines

differently. Thus, to make a TSR work properly

in all cases, it would have to be tested against all

programs in the marketplace.

However, Microsoft has assembled a set of guidelines. To

obtain more information on these guidelines, please refer

to the article "Moving Toward an Industry Standard for

Developing TSRs" in the December 1986 issue of the

Microsoft Systems Journal. If you do not have a copy of

this journal, you can order a subscription or a single copy

by writing to following address:

Circulation Department

Microsoft Systems Journal

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