PRB: SQL Server DBCC Checkalloc & Error Message 2540

ID Number: Q63864

1.10 1.11 4.20




When the command "DBCC Checkalloc (database_name)" is executed,

the following error message is received:

Msg 2540, Level 16, State 1:

Table Corrupt: Page allocated in extent but not linked in page chain;

id=10752 logical pg#=10757 object id on extent=28527135 (object name

= teile2) indid on extent=0

According to the error message listed above, the data in the

database appears to be corrupt.


Although the text of this error message indicates that the table

is corrupt, it need not necessarily be so. Error message 2540

indicates that a 2K page of empty disk space has been allocated

for a table but it is not linked into a page chain and therefore

cannot be accessed.

The correct procedure to use to resolve this problem is to drop,

re-create, and re-populate the table.

The behavior of DBCC Checkalloc is such that when it first

encounters error message 2540, it stops evaluation of the

database. Thus, it is possible that after corrective procedures

have been taken, a second execution of "DBCC Checkalloc" will

report an error 2540 on another table.

Additional reference words: dbcc commands, database repair