INF: Processing Time for Update/Delete Transactions

ID Number: Q63932

1.10 1.11 4.20



The amount of time for SQL Server to process update, insert, and

delete transactions on a given table cannot be calculated with

precision because it is dependent on a variety of factors such as

(but not limited to) the following:

1. The number of update and delete transactions that are executed.

2. Whether or not triggers or stored procedures are invoked when an

update or delete transaction takes place. If either triggers or

stored procedures are invoked, the type of processing performed by

these triggers or stored procedures also has an impact on the total

processing time.

3. The size of the table these transactions are executed on.

4. The type of data manipulated. When variable length text data types

are updated, a delete transaction is performed, followed by an

insert transaction. Thus, two transactions are executed for every

one update transaction.

5. The number and type of indexes (clustered, nonclustered, and so

forth) on the table.

6. Whether or not the guidelines for performance tuning as described

in the "Microsoft SQL Server Installation Manual" and the

"Microsoft SQL Server System Administrator's Guide" have been


7. Whether or not the update and delete transactions are executed on

a dedicated server. In other words, other applications may be

running on the server when the SQL batch job is running; this

causes competition between the other applications and the SQL

batch job for CPU time.

Additional reference words: Optimization and tuning