ID Number: Q63967
1.00 1.10 4.20
Borland's Turbo C++ cannot be linked with the version of DB-LIBRARY
(db-lib) supplied with the Microsoft/Sybase SQL server.
The version of DB-LIBRARY supplied with the Microsoft/Sybase SQL
Server is not compatible with Borland's Turbo compilers. To
increase performance, several Microsoft C conventions were used
with the db-libs that are not available in the Turbo C compilers.
There is no version of DB-LIBRARY available that supports either
the Borland Turbo C++ or Turbo C linker calling conventions.
Currently, the only way to do C++ programming with DB-LIBRARY is
to use a compiler that produces Microsoft C source code.
Additional reference words: 1.00 1.10 4.20 dblib