INF: Differentiating Between Timestamp and Varbinary Types

ID Number: Q64794

1.10 1.11 4.20




Using the DB-LIBRARY (db-lib) calls dbcoltype() and dbprtype(), you

cannot differentiate between the varbinary and timestamp column types.

Dbcoltype() returns 45 for both types, and dbprtype() translates these

both as being "binary."

There are several methods you can use to differentiate between these

two column types, but they each have problems associated with them.

You can use the dbcolname() call to determine if the name of the

column in question is "timestamp"; however, although this seems like a

logical solution, there is a potential problem. It has been verified

that browse mode can be used to update a table with a timestamp column

that was not named "timestamp"; therefore, the timestamp column may

not always have this unique name.

A timestamp column is designated as a varbinary coltype. Only the

usertype (which is basically unused by db-lib except for special

columns such as timestamp) contains the timestamp data type value

(80). Db-lib does not provide a mechanism for getting to this

information as an exposed API. This information can be found in the

SQL Server internal tables described in Appendix B of the "Microsoft

SQL Server System Administrator's Guide."

More Information:

Consider the situation where you want to determine whether

column 10 of the table "alltypes" is actually type timestamp or

varbinary. The only reliable way to make this differentiation is to

execute a query such as the following:

select usertype from syscolumns

where colid = 10


id in

(select id from sysobjects

where name = 'alltypes')



80 = timestamp

4 = varbinary

While this query will provide you with this information, it is based

on internal information that may be subject to change in future versions

of Microsoft SQL Server.

Of the two workarounds given above, Microsoft recommends using the

first choice for the following reasons:

1. It is easy to implement.

2. It is based on a db-lib call.

3. It does not rely on internal information that is subject to change.

The only requirement is that you follow the nonenforced rule of naming

timestamp columns as "timestamp."

Additional reference words: dblib