ID Number: Q78074
Deleting a blank line above the End Sub/End Function or below the
Sub/Function statement will generate the message
You will have to restart your program
after this edit--proceed anyway?
while in break mode in the VB.EXE environment. This behavior is by
This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system
1.0 for Windows.
More Information:
Deleting the line following the Sub or Function statement requires you
to restart when in break mode. This also occurs when deleting the line
preceding the End Sub or End Function statement of any procedure. The
Visual Basic edit manager treats both of these deletions as
modifications to the first or last lines, both of which require a
restart when in break mode.
The following steps will force a restart in a program while in
break mode.
1. In a new project, choose Start from the Run Menu.
2. Press CTRL+BREAK to suspend execution of the application and enter
break mode.
3. Press F7, or from the Code menu, choose View Code to bring up the
code window.
4. The text cursor should be on the blank line between the following
procedure statements:
Sub Form_Click ()
End Sub
5. Press DEL to delete the blank line between the Sub Form_Click() and
End Sub lines.
The following message will be displayed:
You will have to restart your program
after this edit--proceed anyway?
The above message is also displayed when the cursor is on the second
line and you press the BACKSPACE key once, or if the cursor is at the
beginning of the last line of a procedure (at the beginning of the End
Sub line) and you press the BACKSPACE key once.
Additional reference words: 1.00