"Printer Error" Printing VB Form to Text-Only Printer

ID Number: Q78075




The message "Printer Error" is displayed when you print a form from

Visual Basic to a text-only printer. The text-only printer does not

have the graphics capability to print the Visual Basic form, and

Windows 3.0 traps the printer error and displays the "Printer Error"

dialog box. This behavior is by design.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. From the Windows Control Panel, choose the Printers icon, and

select Generic Text / Text Only as the default printer. (You may

need to install the Generic / Text Only printer from the Control

Panel to make this option available.)

2. Start Visual Basic.

3. From the File menu, choose Print. The current form and code

are selected by default in the print dialog box.

4. Choose the OK button to print. Windows 3.0 displays the "Printer

Error" dialog box.

Additional reference words: 1.00