Case Change in VB.EXE Control Name Ignored in Code

ID Number: Q78131





The capitalization of a control's name (CtlName) can be changed from

the Properties Bar. However, the change does not take effect within

the code unless the name is first changed to something different, then

back to the desired CtlName (for example: "Command1" changed to

"Test," then changed to "COMMAND1").

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the VB.EXE environment

in Microsoft Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows.

We are researching this problem and will post new information here as

it becomes available.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Start Visual Basic.

2. Place a control button on the default form (Form1).

3. From the Properties list box on the Properties bar, select CtlName.

4. Double-click the control button to see the code for that button.

5. Change the "Command1" default control name to "COMMAND1" on the

Properties bar.

6. Double-click the control button again. Note that the capitalization

of Sub Command_Click () is the same. Sub Command1_Click () remains

as Sub Command1_Click () while the CtlName is "COMMAND1" (without

the quotes).

7. Change the CtlName property from "COMMAND1" to "Test."

8. Double-click the control button. Notice that SUB Command1_Click ()

changed to SUB Test_Click () as it should.

9. Change the CtlName property from "Test" to "COMMAND1." Sub

Test_Click () should now be Sub COMMAND1_Click (), the desired

CtlName with the proper capitalization.

Capitalization changes are not updated in the code when changed on the

Properties bar. Only changes in the number of letters in the CtlName

forces an update of the code associated with the form or control.

Additional reference words: 1.00