Two Forms, VB.EXE Properties Bar May State Incorrect Focus

ID Number: Q78210





The FormName property and focus sometimes are not updated correctly

when the focus is transferred between forms. This problem occurs at

design time in the VB.EXE environment if two or more forms are present

and at least one form does not contain any controls.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

The problem occurs only when you select a control on one form and

shift the focus to the blank form by clicking the mouse, before

Shifting the focus back to the control again.

While the focus is on the empty form, select the FormName property

from the Properties bar. If you now shift the focus from the form

with no controls to a control on the other form, the Properties bar

will incorrectly state that the focus remains on the original form

(the form with no controls).



Click first on Form2 itself instead of clicking on the command button

on Form2 to make the Settings box read "Form2". You can then click the

command button to obtain the correct value in the Settings box.

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. From the VB.EXE File menu, choose New Project.

2. From the File menu, choose New Form.

3. Resize the two forms (Form1 and Form2) so both forms can be viewed

at the same time.

4. Place a command button on Form2.

Note: The focus should remain set on the command button.

5. Click on Form1 (the form with no controls).

6. From the Properties bar, choose FormName. The FormName's Settings

box will read "Form1".

7. Click the command button on Form2. At this point, the Properties

bar is incorrect, because it is still set to FormName and the

Settings box incorrectly reads "Form1".

Additional reference words: 1.00