INF: Setup Fails While Creating Master Database

ID Number: Q38193

1.00 1.11 4.20




During the installation of SQL Server, the following message is

displayed by the Setup program while attempting to create the

master database:

ERROR: Setup was unable to create the master database file.


Check BLDMASTR.OUT in the \SQL\INSTALL directory for error

messages. There may not be enough disk space for a file of the

specified size on the specified drive, or a disk I/O error may have


If no BLDMASTR.OUT was created, it is possible that Setup couldn't

find CMD.EXE. Check the current PATH to be sure it includes the

subdirectory where CMD.EXE resides. It is usually in OS2\PBIN. If

necessary, add the subdirectory containing CMD.EXE to the PATH and

retry Setup.

Additional reference words: master BLDMASTR setup