INF: DB-LIB and Floating Point

ID Number: Q38831

1.10 1.11 4.20



This article explains how you can control whether or not DB-LIBRARY

(db-lib) uses a coprocessor for floating-point operations.

More Information:

Db-lib uses floating point only if conversion or display of FLOAT data

is requested. No other SQL Server data type requires floating point.

The DLL version of db-lib was compiled with /FPa and linked with the

alternate floating-point library. It will never use the coprocessor,

even if one is present and is totally independent of the

floating-point compile and link requirements of the applications that

call it.

The static-link version of db-lib was compiled with /FPi, which

generates coprocessor floating-point instructions. This is why you

will see 8087 instructions in db-lib code. Whether or not a

coprocessor is required is determined at link time. If the

application is linked with the coprocessor floating-point library

(xLIBC7.LIB), DB-LIB will require a coprocessor. If the application

is linked with the emulator floating-point library (xLIBCE.LIB),

the coprocessor will be used if it is present. The C start-up code

detects if a coprocessor is not present and sets up a handler to

trap 8087 instructions and emulate them. The automatic selection of

a coprocessor at run time may be overridden with the NO87 environment

variable. Please refer to Chapter 7 of the C compiler user's guide

for more information on controlling floating-point options.

Additional reference words: dblib