INF: Using dbdata() Versus dbbind()

ID Number: Q39084

1.10 1.11 4.20



This article explains the relative tradeoffs between dbdata()

and dbbind() when processing SQL Server data in an application


More Information:

If you use dbdata() instead of dbbind(), you must handle data

conversion yourself. All data will be in native SQL Server format.

Variable-length character data will not have a trailing NULL. Money

will be 8-byte scaled binary (1 = .01 cent). Datetime will be a pair

of 4-byte binary integers, the first of which is the days since

January 1, 1900 and the other of which is 1/300 of a second since

midnight. If you use the provided data-conversion routines, you will

be doing much the same thing that dbbind() does. For very large

amounts of data, there will be an advantage to using dbdata() if the

data is used in place. If it is copied somewhere else, that advantage

is lost.

If the data will remain in native format while being processed in the

program (that is, fixed-length character and binary data), there is a

performance disadvantage with dbbind() because it will spend some

time figuring out that it has nothing to do.

The biggest performance disadvantage with dbbind() is due to its

biggest advantage: dynamic handling of data type and length at

execution time. Note that you don't tell dbbind() the format or length

of the data in the database. It gets that at execution time. What you

do tell it is the format you want the data to be in for your program.

If the actual data format differs from what you specified, dbbind()

will convert it.

This provides insulation from changes in the definition of data in the

database. If you use dbdata() and the format of the data in the

database changes (such as ZIPCODE increasing from five to nine

digits), your program will probably give incorrect results (if it runs

at all); however, with dbbind(), the data will be converted and

clipped automatically, and the program will run correctly without even

being recompiled.

For highest performance, use dbdata(). For data independence and

insulation from changes in database format, use dbbind().

Additional reference words: DB-LIBRARY db-lib dblib