INF: FAR _fastcall in a Windows Program Generates C2080

ID Number: Q77141

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax



When declaring a FAR function with the _fastcall calling convention in

a Windows program, and compiling with the /Gw switch, the following

error will be generated by Microsoft C versions 6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0ax:

error C2080: illegal far _fastcall function

A far _fastcall function may not be compiled with the /Gw option,

or with the /Gq option if stack checking is enabled.

More Information:

The _fastcall calling convention is not supported with Windows

callback functions. In other words, window procedures, hook functions,

enumeration functions, and so on, do not support the use of _fastcall.

As for generic FAR functions, _fastcall is not supported with any

functions compiled with the /Gw switch.

The windows prologue uses AX, which is one of the registers used to

hold the _fastcall parameters. Because Windows (in certain

configurations) patches the prologue code by recognizing the use of AX

to load DS at the beginning of the prologue, AX must be used. This

conflicts with the use of AX as a _fastcall argument, and one of the

values will be lost.

In most situations when programming under Windows, the performance

benefits to using _fastcall are minimal. The best situation would be a

near function that is called repeatedly in a loop. Therefore, using

_fastcall does not yield any significant performance boost within


Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax