ID Number: Q76946
6.00 6.00a 6.00ax
The font resource files (.FON) that are distributed with Microsoft
QuickC versions 2.0, 2.01, 2.5, and 2.51 and Microsoft C versions 6.0,
6.0a, and 6.0ax use the same format as Windows 2.0 font resource
files. That is, they are files that have the same format as segmented
executable files (.EXE), but they are not executable programs.
Instead, they contain a font resource.
More Information:
The font resource comes from a font file (.FNT) created with the
Microsoft Windows SDK font editor or a similar font editor. This .FNT
file is then used to create the .FON file by invoking the Microsoft
Windows SDK resource compiler (RC.EXE). There are no tools for
extracting the .FNT file back out of the .FON file. If you want to
create a .FON file for use with Microsoft QuickC or Microsoft C, you
must first save the .FNT file as a Windows 2.0 font file, then run the
resource compiler on the resultant .FNT file.
More information on creating .FON files can be found in the "Microsoft
Windows SDK Guide to Programming" manual that is shipped with the
Windows 3.0 SDK. More information on the format of a segmented
executable file can be obtained from "The MS-DOS Encyclopedia."
Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 2.00 2.50