INF: Distributing Db-lib w/ Front-end SQL Server Applications

ID Number: Q65319

1.00 1.10



Shown below is the exact wording from a portion of the SQL Server

version 1.1 License Agreement concerning distribution of DB-LIBRARY

(db-lib) software:

5. DB-LIBRARY SOFTWARE. Microsoft hereby grants to you a limited

non-exclusive, royalty-free right to reproduce and distribute

DB-Library files in conjunction with and as part of your

application software which is created using DB-Library and is

designed to run in conjunction with DB-Library and SQL Server

and Sybase Server 4.xx only, provided that you:

a. do not use Microsoft's name, logo, or trademarks to market

your software product;

b. include the following copyright notice for DB-Library on your

product label and as part of the sign-on message for your

software product:

"(Copyright Symbol) 1988-1990 Sybase Corporation. All rights


c. do not charge separately for DB-Library files;

d. agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Microsoft and

its suppliers from and against any claims or lawsuits,

including attorney's fees, that arise or result from the use

or distribution of your application software product.

Additional reference words: dblib