ID Number: Q78335
Line labels (and line numbers) do not follow the same scoping rules as
variables and constants in Visual Basic. Line labels must be unique
within each module and form. However, you can only transfer control to
a line label or line number within the current Sub or Function.
More Information:
When you attempt to define the same line label twice within a module
or form, you receive the error message "Duplicate label". This message
means that the label is already defined in another procedure within
the current module.
When you use a GOTO or GOSUB statement that names a line label defined
in another procedure, you receive the error message "Label not
defined." This message means that the label is not defined in the
current Sub or Function.
For more information about line labels, see the description of the
GOTO and GOSUB statements in the "Microsoft Visual Basic: Language
Reference" or in the Visual Basic online Help system.
Additional reference words: 1.00