Nonstandard Icons Can Make Visual Basic Hang or Display UAE

ID Number: Q78380





If you create an icon in other than standard .ICO format and attach

that icon to a Visual Basic form as the icon displayed during

minimization or pasted directly to the form, then you may get an

"Unrecoverable Application Error" (UAE) message or a cold hang.

Nonstandard icons can also cause less severe run-time error messages

such as "Invalid Picture." The icon will load at design time but cause

problems at run-time.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

Icons created with utilities other than IconWorks (even with the

Windows Software Development Kit [SDK] Paint utility) can cause

problems because they may not conform to the standard .ICO format. The

standard .ICO format that Visual Basic supports is a 32-by-32 pixel

matrix, which is specified in the icoDIBSize field in the header of

the resource file. Because icons are handled as resources, once

incorporated into the .EXE file they can actually corrupt the code,

leading to a hang during execution or causing Windows to generate a

UAE message.


"Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit: Reference Volume 2,"

version 3.0, page 9-2

"Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference," Chapter 9, Microsoft

Press, 1990

Additional reference words: 1.00