VB CDK Custom Property Name Cannot Start with Numeric Value

ID Number: Q78399





The Property Name (npszName) field in the PROPINFO structure for the

Visual Basic Control Development Kit (CDK) cannot start with a numeric


This information needs to be added to page 143 of the "Microsoft

Visual Basic: Control Development Guide" ([c] 1992) shipped with

Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Visual Basic 1.0 for Windows, or

page 132 of the "Microsoft Visual Basic: Control Development Guide"

([c] 1991) shipped with the earlier CDK add-on for Microsoft Visual


More Information:

When a control property starts with a numeric value, Visual Basic will

generate the binding/syntax checking error "Expected:

end-of-statement". However, the property works correctly in the Visual

Basic design mode from the Properties bar.

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Rebuild the Circle3 example provided with the CDK after changing

the PROPINFO Property_FlashColor structure in CIRCLE3.H to the


PROPINFO Property_FlashColor =


"2FlashColor", DT_COLOR | PF_fGetData | PF_fSetData |

PF_fSaveData | PF_fEditable, OFFSETIN(CIRCLE,


} ;

2. While in Visual Basic development environment (VB.EXE) with the

Circle3 control loaded, assign the 2FlashColor property a value:

Circle1.2FlashColor = 2

3. Press F5 to generate the "Expected: end-of-statement" error

message. The text "FlashColor" will be selected for the syntax


Additional reference words: 1.00