How to Emulate QuickBasic's SOUND Statement in Visual Basic

ID Number: Q71102




The SOUND statement found in Microsoft QuickBasic is not implemented

within Microsoft Visual Basic. You can perform sound through a Windows

3.00 API call that is equivalent to the QuickBasic SOUND statement.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic Programming System

version 1.00 for Windows.

More Information:

The QuickBasic version of the SOUND statement can be executed by

calling several Windows 3.0 API function calls. Within Windows, you

must open up a VoiceQueue with the OpenSound call routine. Using the

function SetVoiceSound, place all of the values corresponding to the

desired frequencies and durations. Once the VoiceQueue has the desired

frequencies and durations, you start the process by calling

StartSound. After the sounds have been played, you must free up the

VoiceQueue by calling CloseSound. If you plan on placing a large

amount of information into the VoiceQueue, you may need to resize the

VoiceQueue buffer by calling the SetVoiceQueueSize function.

After executing the StartSound function, you cannot place any more

sound into the VoiceQueue until the VoiceQueue is depleted. Placing

more sound into the queue will overwrite any information that was

previously in the VoiceQueue. If you are going to place sound into the

VoiceQueue after a StartSound statement, you will need to call

WaitSoundState with an argument of one. When WaitSoundState returns

NULL, the VoiceQueue is empty and processing can continue.

Below is an example of using the Windows API function calls, which will

imitate the QuickBasic SOUND statement:

In the general section place the following:

Declare Function OpenSound Lib "sound.drv" () As Integer

Declare Function VoiceQueueSize Lib "sound.drv"

(ByVal nVoice%, ByVal nBytes%) As Integer

Declare Function SetVoiceSound Lib "sound.drv"

(ByVal nSource%, ByVal Freq&, ByVal nDuration%) As Integer

Declare Function StartSound Lib "sound.drv" () As Integer

Declare Function CloseSound Lib "sound.drv" () As Integer

Declare Function WaitSoundState Lib "sound.drv" (ByVal State%) As Integer

Note: All Declare statements above each must be placed on one line.

The SetVoiceSound takes two arguments. The first variable, Freq, is a

two WORD parameter. The HIGH WORD will hold the actual frequency in

hertz. The LOW WORD will hold the fractional frequency. The formula, X

* 2 ^ 16, will shift the variable "X" into the HIGH WORD location. The

second variable, Duration%, is the duration in clock ticks. There are

18.2 tick clicks per second on all Intel computers.

The following simplistic example shows how you can place several

frequencies and durations into the VoiceQueue before starting the

sound by calling the StartSound function:

Sub Form_Click ()

Suc% = OpenSound()

S% = SetVoiceSound(1, 100 * 2 ^ 16, 100) ' Frequency = 100 hz

S% = SetVoiceSound(1, 90 * 2 ^ 16, 90) ' Frequency = 90 hz

S% = SetVoiceSound(1, 80 * 2 ^ 16, 90) ' Frequency = 80 hz

S% = StartSound()

While (WaitSoundState(1) <> 0): Wend ' Wait for sound to play.

Succ% = CloseSound()

End Sub

The following is another simple example, which creates a siren sound:

1. Within the general section, place the following Sound procedure:

Sub Sound (ByVal Freq as Long, ByVal Duration%)

Freq = Freq * 2 ^ 16 ' Shift frequency to high byte.

S% = SetVoiceSound(1, Freq, Duration%)

S% = StartSound()

While (WaitSoundState(1) <> 0): Wend

End Sub

2. Place the code below into any event procedure. The example below

uses the Form_Click event procedure. Clicking any position on the

form will create a police siren.

Sub Form_Click ()

Suc% = OpenSound()

For j& = 440 To 1000 Step 5

Call Sound(j&, j& / 100)

Next j&

For j& = 1000 To 440 Step -5

Call Sound(j&, j& / 100)

Next j&

Succ% = CloseSound()

End Sub


"Programming Windows: the Microsoft Guide to Writing Applications for

Windows 3," Charles Petzold, Microsoft Press, 1990

"Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit: Reference Volume 1,"

version 3.0

WINSDK.HLP file shipped with Microsoft Windows 3.0 Software

Development Kit

Additional reference words: 1.00