PRB: Updating a Database Sysindexes Table

ID Number: Q65057

1.00 1.10 4.20




The DBCC checktable routine asks you to update the dpages column in

the SYSINDEXES table. However, attempt to update sysindexes using a

query such as the following

update sysindexes

set dpages = xxx

where name = 'my_table'

results in the the following message from SQL Server:

Msg 412, Level 16, State 1:

Cannot update more than 1 Sysindexes row at a time

However, the following query only returns one row:

select * from sysindexes

where name = 'my_table'


Because the sysindexes table contains one row for each clustered

index, each nonclustered index, and each table without a clustered

index, it is possible for the table to have more than one entry

that corresponds to one data object. To protect against

inadvertently modifying duplicate values in sysindexes, SQL Server

requires that your update statement include the columns that

compose the primary key for the sysindexes table. These columns

are ID and INDID.


To perform an update of the dpages value of a table named

"my_table", you must first find the values of ID and INDID for

your table by using the following query:

select ID, INDID from sysindexes

where name = 'my_table'

INDID will contain the following:

0 for a table with no clustered index

1 for a clustered index

>1 for a nonclustered index

Using the values returned from the above query, you can now use

a query of the following form to update the sysindexes table:

update sysindexes

set dpages = xxx

where ID = xxx

and INDID = x <--- (either 0 or 1)

There are several more things to note concerning the updating of

the sysindexes table. Before you can update any system table, the

system administrator (SA) must enable updates to system catalogs.

This can be done by using the SP_CONFIGURE stored procedure with

the RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE option, or by using the dynamic

options under the configuration menu of SAF.

After sysindexes has been modified, be sure to execute the

CHECKPOINT statement in your database.