PRB: Problems with SAF and Novell Requester NETAPI.DLL File

ID Number: Q65350

1.10 1.11 4.20




Whenever SAF is started (or other front ends), a NetServerEnum()

error is returned when it goes to find available servers.

ISQL appears to work fine; therefore, it appears that named pipes

are working correctly.


NETAPI.DLL is not in the same directory as SAF.


To support the SQL Server installation and a few different SQL

Server front ends (including SAF), Novell provides some DLLs

(dynamic-linked libraries) with the Requester in a directory named

\SQL. One of the DLLs is named NETAPI.DLL. This file must be copied

into the same directory as the front end(s). A path for it can be

set up in the LIBPATH system setting; however, be careful because

other applications may need a different version of NETAPI.DLL.

Please note that even though ISQL works correctly, this does not

necessarily mean that named pipes are working. A user on a server

can enter ISQL without the /S<servername> option, in which case it

will default to the local server. In this case, named pipes are not

used, and therefore this is no guarantee that the named pipes are


Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 4.20