PRB: Missing ")" in __based Sample Program Causes C2061

ID Number: Q83870






The code fragment for the online help for "Functions based in a

Segment" for Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 is missing a parenthesis.

The code fragment that appears in the online help is:

// FILE 2 - compiled under large model

void __near __based(__segname("MYSEG") nearfunc()


// ...


Compiling the sample code gives the following error:

C2061: syntax error : identifier 'nearfunc'


To resolve the error, change the line of code for FILE2 from

void __near __based(__segname("MYSEG") nearfunc()

to the following:

void __near __based(__segname("MYSEG")) nearfunc()

More Information:

The above sample illustrates how to use the __based keyword to place a

function into the given segment. To access this area of the online

help, search for help on the __based keyword and then select

"Functions Based in a Segment."

Additional reference words: 7.00