INF: MS-DOS Programs for SQL Server on a Novell Platform

ID Number: Q65352

1.00 1.10



The information included below discusses how to develop MS-DOS

applications for SQL Server versions 1.0 and 1.1.

Developing MS-DOS Applications for SQL Server Version 1.0


With SQL Server version 1.0, the MS-DOS DB-LIBRARY (db-lib) directly

uses named pipe APIs; therefore, developers need to link their

applications with a library that resolves named pipe calls. The

following is a list of the names of the libraries that should be used:

1. For MS-DOS LAN Manager, use the DOSNET.LIB library, which is

included in version 1.01 of the MS-DOS LAN Manager and in version

2.0 of the MS-DOS LAN Manager Programmer's Toolkit.

2. Novell provides a developer's kit that has a similar library with

named pipe functions. It is called NMPIPE.LIB.

It is also possible to link MS-DOS based applications for SQL

Server version 1.0 on Novell with the DOSNET.LIB library that

comes with the DOS LAN Manager software.

Developing MS-DOS Applications for SQL Server 1.1


With SQL Server version 1.1 and the NetLib architecture, db-lib does

not directly make calls to named pipe services, and therefore, MS-DOS

developers no longer have to link with DOSNET.LIB or a similar


Db-lib makes calls to the relevant NetLib DLL (dynamic-link library)

or terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) program (the DBNMPIPE.EXE TSR, in

the case of MS-DOS). This in turn makes interrupt calls, and named

pipe calls get handled by the redirector. The Novell named pipe

TSR for MS-DOS, DOSNP.EXE, handles the named pipe requests directly

and then uses Novell's SPX/IPX protocol to communicate with a Novell

OS/2 requestor.

The OS/2 requestor can act as a named pipe server and can therefore

support the SQL Server engine and OS/2-based SQL Server utilities and


Note: SQL Server 1.1 can be installed on a Novell OS/2 requestor

machine by selecting the stand-alone option from the SQL Server Setup


Additional reference words: dblib