Incorrect Jumps in Visual Basic Online Help "How To" Section

ID Number: Q78895



docerr buglist1.00


In the Visual Basic online Help, under the How To option, under the

Graphics topic, there are two incorrect jumps. If you select the

Displaying Graphics at Run Time or Displaying Graphics on a Form

topic, online Help will jump to an incorrect Help screen.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:



For online Help with either of these topics, do the following:

1. From the Help menu, choose Index.

2. Choose the Search button.

3. Type the word "graphics," or scroll down the list to the graphics


4. Choose the Show Topics button.

5. The Displaying Graphics on a Form and Displaying Graphics at Run

Time topics will both appear in the Go To list box. If you select

either of these topics, Help will display the correct screen.

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. From the Visual Basic (VB.EXE) Help menu, choose Index.

2. Choose the How To option.

3. Scroll down to the Graphics topic.

4. Select the Displaying Graphics at Run Time topic or the

Displaying Graphics on a Form topic.

When selected, both of these topics jump to the wrong Help screens.

Selecting the Displaying Graphics at Run Time option will bring you to

the Adding and Deleting Menu Commands at Runtime screen. Selecting the

Displaying Graphics on a Form option will take you to the Displaying

Graphics at Run Time screen.

Additional reference words: 1.00