VB SETUP.EXE "Insufficient Disk Space on: C:\WINDOWS"

ID Number: Q78961




Visual Basic will display the message

Error - Insufficient disk space on: C:\WINDOWS

during setup if there is less than 330K of space available to Windows

on the drive where Windows resides, which may be different than the

drive on which you are installing Visual Basic.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

At the beginning, SETUP.EXE for Visual Basic copies the files

VBSETUP.EXE and VBRUN100.DLL (approximately 55K and 272K bytes,

respectively) into the Windows subdirectory. If there is not enough

space on the drive where Windows resides (such as in C:\WINDOWS),

Visual Basic will display the "Error - Insufficient disk space on:

C:\WINDOWS" message.

This is the disk space available to Windows just before setup. This

may differ from the amount of space reported at the MS-DOS command

prompt outside of Windows because of temporary files that Windows

creates during operation.

VBSETUP.EXE is deleted when setup is completed. VBRUN100.DLL is copied

over to the Visual Basic subdirectory, but is not deleted from the

Windows subdirectory.

Additional reference words: 1.00