PRB: C 6.0ax Generates CL1319 Error with /EM and /Fc or /Fa

ID Number: Q72484






When compiling with Microsoft C version 6.0ax, using the /EM

(extended memory) option in conjunction with the /Fc or /Fa option

may cause the compiler to simply halt, and no error message will be

displayed. If you then look at the generated .COD or .ASM file, you

will see the following message at the end of the listing:

CL1319 Error: Internal error - unrecoverable fault

The error occurs when compiling with any optimization level and

memory model as long as the DOS-extended version of the compiler is



There are several methods to work around this problem:

- Use the standard version of the compiler (remove the /EM compile



- Reduce the size of the module in question.


- Use the non-extended third pass of the compiler (C3.EXE, as

opposed to C3L.EXE) with the extended first and second passes.

This can be done with the /B3 switch. For example:

cl -EM -Fc -B3 C3.EXE <file.c>


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in C version 6.0ax. We

are researching this problem and will post new information here as

it becomes available.

Additional reference words: 6.00ax