ID Number: Q65791
The following are questions about the Windows example on page 98 in
the "Microsoft SQL Server Programmer's Reference" version 1.1
concerning the use of DBLOCKLIB() and DBUNLOCKLIB():
DBPROCESS *dbproc;
LOGINREC *login;
char far *name;
login = dblogin();
DBSETLUSER(login, "user");
DBSETLPWD(login, "my_password");
DBSETLAPP(login, "my_program");
dbproc = dbopen(login, "my_server");
1. Q. Why are the DB-LIBRARY (db-lib) segments locked in this example?
Is this really necessary? As I understand it, no far pointers
are returned from a db-lib function call.
A. DBLOCKLIB()/DBUNLOCKLIB() calls are required to preserve the
value of far pointers going INTO db-lib (dbbind) and OUT of
db-lib (such as dbdata).
Therefore, the example in the programmer's reference could be
executed without calling DBLOCKLIB()/DBUNLOCKLIB(). However, the
DBSET...() functions use strings, and for safety we recommend
that you use DBLOCKLIB()/DBUNLOCKLIB() calls to lock down
2. Q. The dbsqlexec() function does not return a far pointer. Is it
possible to do a dbsqlexec() call in the following way?
...some db-lib function calls
A. The same applies to dbsqlexec(). Because it does not return far
pointers, it is possible that dbsqlexec() would work without
locking the library down. However, to be sure that any far
pointers required by db-lib are preserved, it is safer to
encapsulate the db-lib calls with DBLOCKLIB()/DBUNLOCKLIB().
In summary, If you are certain that no far pointers are required by
the db-lib call and that no far pointers are returned, then, strictly
speaking, you do not need to use the DBLOCKLIB()/DBUNLOCKLIB() calls.
However, as a precaution, we recommend that you use these calls around
all your Windows db-lib calls.
Additional reference words: 1.10 dblib