ID Number: Q72529
6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00
Microsoft C versions 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0ax, C/C++ version 7.0, and QuickC
versions 2.0, 2.01, 2.5, and 2.51 contain an undocumented function,
called _QCGINIT(), in their graphics libraries. This function is used
to reinitialize the internal graphics information for the graphics
library functions and can be especially useful when creating an
application that accesses two different video monitors in a system.
More Information:
As mentioned above, the _QCGINIT() function is important for programs
that use two monitors: one monitor connected to a monochrome adapter
and another that is connected to a color adapter. Because one
application might switch between using the two graphics cards, the
graphics configuration data stored by the startup code must be updated
because the graphics routines need to know which card is in use.
_QCGINIT() fulfills this need.
For example, in a dual-monitor system, the _setvideomode() function
fails to switch to a graphics mode if the monochrome adapter is
currently active, even though the color graphics card is present. The
_QCGINIT() function will determine which graphics adapter is currently
selected and set internal information (such as which graphics modes
are available).
For more information on the _QCGINIT() function, query on the
following words:
_QCGINIT and dual and monitor
Note: _QCGINIT() is an undocumented function that may or may not be
included in subsequent releases of the graphics library. Please keep
this in mind when writing code to take advantage of this function.
Microsoft makes no claims and offers no promises regarding this
function in the areas of performance, reliability, future
availability, or customer support.
The sample program below demonstrates how to use _QCGINIT(). The
program requires a dual-monitor system and it requires that you make
the monochrome adapter the active display before invoking it. The
program first makes the VGA adapter the active display and switches to
the 640x350 VGA graphics mode. It then draws a line on the VGA screen,
saves the VGA screen, and switches back to the monochrome display.
Once the monochrome adapter is the active display, the program
restores the monochrome screen and prints a line of text. The sequence
of drawing another line on the VGA screen and printing another line of
text on the monochrome display occurs 20 times and then the program
In this example, the _QCGINIT() routine is critical, because the
graphics routine must know whether it is currently using the
monochrome adapter or VGA adapter.
Sample Code
/* Compile options needed: /AL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <graph.h>
/* prototypes for functions */
void _QCGINIT(void);
void set_to_vga(void);
void set_to_mono(void);
void save_mono_screen(void);
void restore_mono_screen(void);
/* Define buffers for screens */
char mono_buffer[8000];
char _huge image[120000];
/* This program draws lines on the VGA monitor while printing on
monochrome monitor */
void main(void)
int count;
/* Clear text screen */
for (count=0;count<20;count++)
/* Save the contents on the monochrome screen because
_setvideomode will clear the screen the next time around */
if (count)
/* Draw some arbitrary lines on the VGA monitor */
/* Save the screen */
restore_mono_screen(); /* Restore screen because _setvideomode
cleared the video memory */
/* Print to the monochrome screen */
_outtext("I drew a line\n");
void set_to_vga(void)
/* Switch to VGA */
sub ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov dl,es:[410h]
and dl,11101111B
mov es:[410h],dl
mov ah,0
mov al,11h
int 10h
/* Reinitialize graphics routines to recognize VGA */
void set_to_mono()
/* Switch to monochrome */
sub ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov dl,es:[410h]
or dl,00010000B
mov es:[410h],dl
mov ah,0
mov al,7
int 10h
/* Re-initialize graphics routines to recognize monochrome
adapter */
/* This is a routine to save the monochrome screen to a buffer */
void save_mono_screen(void)
push ds
mov ax,0b000h
mov ds,ax
mov si,0
mov ax,seg mono_buffer
mov es,ax
mov di,0
mov cx,2000
rep movsw
pop ds
/* This is a routine to restore the monochrome screen. */
void restore_mono_screen(void)
push ds
mov ax,seg mono_buffer
mov ds,ax
mov si,0
mov ax,0b000h
mov es,ax
mov di,0
mov cx,2000
rep movsw
pop ds
Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00