INF: SQL Server 1.1 NetLib (Open Architecture) Information

ID Number: Q65962

1.10 1.11 4.20



This article describes the NetLib architecture of SQL Server.

The purpose of NetLib (formerly referred to as OpenNet) is to allow a

DB-LIBRARY (db-lib) client application to access host SQL Servers,

regardless of the protocol they are written for. On each major

computing platform (UNIX, OS/2, and VMS), the server itself is

architected directly for the network API that is native to the

platform (that is, TCP/IP, named pipes, and DECNet LAT, respectively).

By virtualizing the network communications in the client, it is

possible to load support for the desired protocol at run time, meaning

that applications don't have to be compiled for a particular version

of DB-LIBRARY. The purpose of this in the current product family is to

allow for connectivity from MS-DOS, Windows, and OS/2 clients to UNIX

and VMS servers.

Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 4.20 dblib