UNDEL Does Not Work with DOS Version 2.x

ID Number: Q28531

5.10 5.10a




The UNDEL utility that comes with Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM)

version 5.1 or 5.1a does not work properly under MS-DOS version



The utilities UNDEL, EXP, RM, and MEGREP are all bound. There is

at least one known problem with running bound programs under

MS-DOS version 2.x, that is, you cannot rename the .EXE file to

anything other than the name BIND outputs it as. For example, if

the BIND command to build the executable reads as follows:

BIND undelp.exe doscalls.lib api.lib -o undelb.exe

then you cannot rename UNDELB.EXE in order for it to work

correctly on DOS Version 2.x.


Upgrading to a newer version of MS-DOS will resolve the problem.