INF: Information on SetMetaFileBits()

ID Number: Q79979

2.x 3.00




When the SetMetaFileBits() function succeeds, the memory handle

parameter specified in the hMem call is reused by Windows; the

application cannot use the handle for any purpose, including passing

the handle to GlobalFree().

On page 4-387 of the "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit

Reference Volume 1," the comments section of the documentation for

SetMetaFileBits() states:

After the SetMetaFileBits() function returns, the metafile handle

returned by the function should be used instead of the handle

identified by the hMem parameter to refer to the metafile.

To avoid any confusion, change "should be used" to "must be used" in

the above sentence.

When the metafile is no longer required by the application, pass the

new handle, returned from SetMetaFileBits(), to GlobalFree().

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