PRWIN9012012: No Contents Screen for SDK Online Reference

ID Number: Q66243



buglist3.00 fixlist3.10




When loading SDKADV.HLP, the online reference for the Windows

Software Development Kit (SDK) version 3.0, into QuickHelp or

Programmer's WorkBench (PWB), no contents screen is displayed.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows version

3.0. There are two methods to avoid this problem:

- Follow the instructions in the "More Information" section below

to work around the lack of an initial contents screen.


- Contact Microsoft Product Support to request an application note

that contains an earlier version of the SDKADV.HLP file. This

file does display an initial contents screen. Request

application note PW0287 "Windows Programmer's Reference,

(Advisor Format)."

This problem was corrected in Windows version 3.1.

More Information:

To use the version of SDKADV.HLP included with the Windows SDK with

the PWB or QuickHelp, perform the following three steps:

1. Make sure that the file SDKADV.HLP is located in the directory

specified by the HELPFILES environment variable.

2. Highlight the name of any Windows function, message, or data

structure in the PWB source-code window and then invoke the PWB

Help system by pressing the F1 key or by clicking the name with the

right mouse button. PWB will display information about that Windows

function, message, or data structure.

3. At this point, the Help window will contain Index and Contents

buttons that will display the index and table of contents,

respectively, for the SDK online reference. These buttons may be

used to browse through the SDK online reference if assistance with

additional topics is required.

If the exact name of the function, message, or data structure for

which additional information is needed is not known, use the steps

above to get help for a common Windows function (such as the

GetMessage function), and then use the Index and Contents buttons to

access the necessary information.

A file containing more information on using PWB as a Windows

development environment is shipped with version 3.0 of the Windows

SDK. The file, PWBINFO.WRI, is copied to the WINDEV directory when the

SDK is installed. This file is in Windows Write format.

Additional reference words: 3.00