Error L2029 May Be Caused by Improperly Renaming Libraries

ID Number: Q68875

6.00 6.00a | 6.00 6.00a



Although you may have been able to link other programs without a

problem, in certain cases, the link error "L2029: Unresolved External"

may be generated for some of the following symbols:





The L2029 error may be occurring because you are using a library that

does not contain all of the necessary functions, due to improper

installation or renaming.

More Information:

The problem could result because the C compiler was installed without

combined libraries, or because the file


was improperly renamed to the following


(where x = S, M, C or L).

In this case, the linker will incorrectly use xLIBCE.LIB, assuming

that it is a combined library containing all of the necessary


To resolve the problem, reinstall the C run-time libraries by typing

"setup /lib" from drive A with the Setup disk loaded. Then choose

"Yes" for "Combined Libraries" when prompted.

Note that this problem may also occur with QuickC versions 2.50 and
