INF: Line Numbers in .MAP File Do Not Relate to Listing File

ID Number: Q76163

5.00 5.10 5.10a | 5.10 5.10a



When using the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) version 5.0, 5.1, or

5.1a and generating a cross-reference file, the listing file generated

will contain line numbers. These line numbers do not relate to the

line numbers listed in the .MAP file when specifying the /LINE linker


The line number information generated in the .MAP file with the /LINE

option relates to the source file and not to the listing file.

Therefore, relying on the .MAP file to give information relating to

assembler-generated listing file is not valid because listing files

contain added information.

More Information:

The sample code below contains two NOP statements to show executable

code lines. The .MAP file contains line number information

corresponding to the source file's executable lines. This is the

intended use of the line number information generated by the .MAP

file. It is not intended for these line numbers to relate to the lines

of the listing file.


; Assemble options needed: /Zd /c /l

; Link options needed: /L







END start


Start Stop Length Name Class

00000H 00001H 00002H _TEXT CODE

00002H 00002H 00000H _DATA DATA

00010H 0010FH 00100H STACK STACK

Origin Group

0000:0 DGROUP

Address Publics by Name

Address Publics by Value

Line numbers for TEST.OBJ(test.asm) segment _TEXT

5 0000:0000 6 0000:0001

Program entry point at 0000:0000

Additional reference words: 5.00 5.10 5.10a