8087 mnemonics without Operators

ID Number: Q11339

1.25 5.00 5.10 6.00 | 5.10 6.00




When assembled with no operands, the 8087 instructions FADD, FDIV,

FDIVR, FMUL, FSUB, and FSUBR assemble as if they were the instructions

"FADDP ST(1),ST", "FDIVP ST(1),ST", and so forth.


The assembler is correct. When used with no operands, these

instructions perform "classical stack" operations.

More Information:

The following is from Pages 6-23 of the "Intel iAPX 86/88, 186/188

User's Manual Programmer's Reference":

The classical stack form may be used to make the 8087 operate like a

classical stack machine. No operands are coded in this form, only the

instruction mnemonic. The NDP (8087) picks the source operand from

the stack top and the destination from the next stack element. It then

pops the stack, performs the operation, and returns the result to the

new stack top, effectively replacing the operands by the result.

Note: FADD, FSUB, FMUL, and FDIV also pop if no operands are

specified, in spite of the fact that the mnemonics do not have P as a

last character.

A similar passage can be found on Pages 2-5 of the Numeric Supplement

to the "iAPX 286 Programmer's Reference" manual.