INF: CBN_SELCHANGE Documented Incorrectly

ID Number: Q80121





In version 3.0 of the "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit

Reference Volume 1," page 6-17, the documentation for the

CBN_SELCHANGE notification code states the following:

This code indicates that the selection in the list box of a combo

box has changed either as a result of the user clicking in the list

box or entering text in the edit control. The parent window

receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from the control.

This statement is incorrect; the parent window does not receive a

WM_COMMAND message with CBN_SELCHANGE code if the user enters text in

the edit control.

More Information:

The parent window receives a WM_COMMAND message with the CBN_SELCHANGE

notification code when the user clicks the mouse in the list box or

presses the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key to change the selection in the

list box.

When the user enters text in the edit control, the parent window

receives the CBN_EDITCHANGE and CBN_EDITUPDATE notification codes

through WM_COMMAND messages from the control.