PRB: C2642 in Message Map Caused by Incorrect Prototypes

ID Number: Q85521

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When using the message-map mechanism provided by the Microsoft

Foundation Class (MFC) libraries version 1.0, which shipped with

the Microsoft C/C++ compiler version 7.0, the following error may

be generated if the function declarations do not match the function

prototypes in the header file AFXWIN.H.

error C2642: cast to pointer to member must be from related

pointer to member


Functions that handle Windows messages may be defined as member

functions of a derived window class. The message-routing mechanism

provided by MFC through the macros DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP and

BEGIN/END_MESSAGE_MAP requires that the functions defined in the

derived class exactly match the parameters for the functions

prototyped in AFXWIN.H.


Check the message-handler function prototypes against those in

AFXWIN.H. Make sure that the parameter types and return type are


More Information:

There are some documentation errors in the "Microsoft C/C++ Class

Libraries Reference" and in the online help for the prototypes of some

message-handler functions. These errors are documented in part 7 of

the file ERRATA2.TXT that comes with Microsoft C/C++ 7.0. The

following message-handler functions are documented incorrectly in the

"Microsoft C/C++ Class Libraries Reference:"

afx_msg void OnHScroll( UINT, UINT, CWnd*);

afx_msg void OnVScroll( UINT, UINT, CWnd*);

afx_msg int OnCharToItem( UINT, CWnd*, UINT);

afx_msg int OnVKeyToItem( UINT, CWnd*, UINT);

These should be prototyped as shown in the online help, ERRATA2.TXT,


afx_msg void OnHScroll( UINT, UINT, CScrollBar*);

afx_msg void OnVScroll( UINT, UINT, CScrollBar*);

afx_msg int OnCharToItem( UINT, CListbox*, UINT);

afx_msg int OnVKeyToItem( UINT, CListBox*, UINT);

The following message-handler function is documented incorrectly in

the "Microsoft C/C++ Class Libraries Reference" and in the online


afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize( LPRECT );

This function should be prototyped as shown in AFXWIN.H and


afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize( NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS FAR* );

The following message-handler functions are not in the "Microsoft

C/C++ Class Libraries Reference" but are in the online help:

afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanging( WINDOWPOS FAR* );

afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanged( WINDOWPOS FAR* );

afx_msg void OnDropFiles( HANDLE );

afx_msg void OnPaletteIsChanging( CWnd* );

The message-handler function prototypes in AFXWIN.H are correct. All

discrepancies in both the online help and in the "Microsoft C/C++

Class Libraries Reference" may be resolved by checking the actual

prototypes defined in the header file.

Additional reference words: 7.00 1.00 afx