ID Number: Q72730
6.00 6.00a 6.00ax | 6.00 6.00a
buglist6.00 buglist6.00a buglist6.00ax fixlist7.00
The Microsoft C Compiler versions 6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0ax produce the
following internal compiler error when the sample program below is
compiled with default optimization for compact (/AC), large (/AL), or
huge (/AH) memory model:
file.c(18): fatal error C1001: Internal Compiler Error
(compiler file '@(#)pgo2.c:1.41', line 243)
Contact Microsoft Product Support Services
More Information:
The following are valid workarounds for this error:
1. Disable all optimization (/Od) or compile using only the /Oe, /Og,
/Oi, /Ol, or /Ox optimization switches.
2. Convert the ternary expression in the code to an equivalent if-else
3. Compile with the /qc (quick compile) option.
4. Use the "#pragma optimize" directive to turn off optimizations only
for the function in which the error is occurring (see the comments
in the code below for an example of this).
5. Compile for small (/AS) or medium (/AM) memory model, if possible.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in C versions 6.0, 6.0a,
and 6.0ax. This problem was corrected in C/C++ version 7.0.
Sample Code
/* Compile options needed: /AL, /AH, or /AC
long msb_time;
typedef struct{
long intvl;
long last;
} avg_data;
static avg_data avg[2];
// #pragma optimize("", off) // uncomment for workaround
char sync_isp(char mte)
avg_data *ch;
ch = (mte & 8) ? &avg[1] : &avg[0];
if (ch->intvl > 1)
ch->intvl += msb_time - ch->last;
ch->last = msb_time;
// #pragma optimize("", on) // uncomment for workaround