PRB: Setup Won't Install Utilities from Remote Floppy Drive

ID Number: Q67173





The following information applies to SQL Server version 1.1 only.

When trying to install the SQL Server version 1.1 utility programs

on a workstation from a remote floppy disk drive, the Setup program

seems to allow you to select the remote floppy disk with no

problems; however, when the Setup program begins copying the files,

it reports that SAF.EX@ is missing.

A message then appears informing you to run Setup again, to follow

all the instructions carefully, and if the error reoccurs, to

contact SQL Server support.


If the Setup program is told to install from a disk drive other

than drive A or drive B, it assumes the drive is a hard disk drive

and that all the files are present.


To work around this limitation, install the utility programs on a

local hard disk drive using a local floppy disk drive, and then

copy the installed directory structure and all of its files to the

workstation of your choice.

Additional reference words: 1.10 Install SAF.EXE