PRB: COMMDLG Printer Setup Options Button Dim in Windows 3.0

ID Number: Q80730





When an application that uses the common dialog box dynamic-link

library (DLL) runs under Windows 3.0 and the user brings up the

Printer Setup dialog box, the Options button is disabled. When the

same application runs under Windows 3.1, the Options button is



The printer driver installed with Windows 3.0 does not support the

ExtDeviceMode function, while the printer driver installed with

Windows 3.1 does support ExtDeviceMode.


The common dialog box Options button provides a user interface for

the ExtDeviceMode function. If the installed printer driver does

not support ExtDeviceMode, the Options button is disabled.

More Information:

The PrintDlg function, provided by the common dialog box DLL, uses the

ExtDeviceMode function to communicate with the printer driver. If the

installed printer driver does not support ExtDeviceMode, the Options

button and the Orientation (landscape or portrait) group box are


If the same Printer Setup dialog box is accessed from the Control

Panel, the Options button is enabled. This behavior differs from the

common dialog box behavior because the Control Panel uses the

DeviceMode function provided by the driver. Any changes specified with

DeviceMode affect all applications in the system. Such behavior is

acceptable and desired for the Control Panel.

The PrintDlg function is designed to implement only local changes. If

the user changes the paper orientation to landscape, the change

affects only the current print job. Local changes are implemented

through the ExtDeviceMode function.

Not all printer drivers shipped with Windows 3.0 support the

ExtDeviceMode function. However, all printer drivers shipped with

Windows 3.1 support ExtDeviceMode.

Additional reference words: gray dimmed unavailable 3.10