INF: Windows SDK Does Not Provide Support for FORTRAN 5.00

ID Number: Q66632




Using the Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler versions 5.0 and

earlier to compile Windows programs is not supported under version

3.0 of the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK). The

Windows SDK support is limited to support of the Microsoft C Compiler

and Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM).

To compile Windows programs, use the Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing

Compiler version 5.1. This version includes the necessary libraries

to compile code to run under Windows version 3.0 in standard and

enhanced mode.

More Information:

The most important reason why FORTRAN version 5.0 routines will not

work under Windows is that the FORTRAN version 5.0 run-time libraries

are not designed to communicate with Windows; they are designed for

either DOS or OS/2 programming. The Windows SDK includes specially

modified versions of the standard C run-time libraries that are

designed for Windows programming. A standard FORTRAN version 5.0

library, such as MLIBFORE.LIB, makes no allowances for Windows
