Cannot Edit Code in Break Mode in Test for Windows

ID Number: Q81191




While in "break" mode in the Microsoft Test for Windows Test Driver,

you cannot make changes to your code; you will have to end execution,

make your changes, and then run your script, going through the

parsing and binding stages again.

This is a design limitation of Microsoft Test for Windows version 1.0.

More Information:

To see this limitation, do the following:

1. Start Microsoft Test for Windows.

2. Load a script file that you want to run.

3. From the Run menu, choose Start, or press F5.

4. Break the execution of the script file by pressing ESC. The code

window will appear and the line of code where execution stopped is

highlighted. All other code is dimmed.

5. Try to edit any of the code. (This is the limitation.)

6. Press ESC again to end the execution of the script. The text is now

bold again and can be edited.

You must now run the script again. Test Driver will parse and bind

it again as well.

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