Test for Windows: Line Input Replaces CTRL+Z (EOF) with Space

ID Number: Q81467




When using Microsoft Test's Line Input statement to input text from a

file, all CTRL+Z characters will be read in and converted to one space

each rather than interpreted as an end of file (EOF) marker.

This is a design feature of Microsoft Test version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

To demonstrate this feature, do the following:

1. Create a text file (TEST.TXT) with a CTRL+Z in the first line and

text following the CTRL+Z. You can do this in Basic by opening a

file for binary and sending some text to it followed by a chr$(26)

(character code for CTRL+Z) character, followed by more text.

2. Start the MSTest driver and add the following code to Script1:

Open "Test.TXT" for input as #1

Line Input #1, Text$

Print Text$

The result is that CTRL+Z was not treated as an EOF marker, because it

has been replaced by a space and the following text was read in. This

behavior is by design. To check for embedded CTRL+Z characters, you

have to programatically check every character that is read.