Rebuild FILELIST if You Create or Delete Files in SETFILE List

ID Number: Q82005




If you delete files that are in a currently active file list (created

with the SETFILE statement), you will not be able to remove the files

from the list using SETFILE <filespec>, OFF. Because SETFILE searches

the current directory for the file(s) matching the current filespec

each time it needs to operate on the current file list, it will no

longer be able to find or operate on files that have been deleted.

If you delete or change files from under a file list, you should

rebuild the list (using CLEARLIST and SETFILE).

This information applies to Microsoft Test for version 1.0 for


More Information:

When you set up a file list using the SETFILE statement, you can use

wildcard characters to refer to a number of related files. The file

list is not automatically updated if you create a new file that

matches the file list specification, or if you delete an existing file

that was added based on the original file specification.

If you delete a file that is in the list, you will not be able to

remove it from the list using the SETFILE command as you might expect.

In order to delete a specific file from the file list, Test must first

be able to find the file on the system. If you do delete a file such

that this condition occurs, you must clear the file list using

CLEARLIST and re-create it using SETFILE.

Additional reference words: 1.00