PRB: Why SQL Server Prints Numerous Rows of Dots at Startup

ID Number: Q67622

1.10 1.11 4.20




SQL Server version 1.1 has been starting correctly ever since it

was installed. However, today it only printed a row of dots

similar to the following:






This problem also occurs in SQL Server versions 1.11 and 4.2.


This pattern of long dots usually indicates a problem with memory

allocation. SQL Server is in fact starting up; however, instead of

printing a couple dozen dots, which might be normal for the minute

or so it usually takes to start up, a couple hundred dots may be

printed, and the system may wait for hours, or longer.


If this problem occurs, the following items should be checked (in

order of ease):


If any change has been made to the cache size in the

CONFIG.SYS file, it can have a dramatic impact upon memory

thrashing. Memory is being constantly swapped, and very little

work actually gets accomplished. We recommend setting the cache

to its minimum allowable value, which is 256 for HPFS, or 64

for FAT. We also recommend turning lazy write = off.

2. SQL Server configuration options

If any change has been made in this area, it may be more

difficult to correct. Any changes made to memory configurations

using either the Sp_Configure stored procedure, or the SAF menu

option can have a dramatic effect. The following table

describes the SQL Server configuration options:

Default* Range

-------- -----

Config->Memory Options:

User Connections [ 50] 5 - 1024

Memory [6144] 2000 - 28000

Procedure Cache [ 20%] 1 - 99


Config->General Options:

Open Databases [ 10] 5 - 100

Open Objects [ 300] 100 - 10000

Locks [5000] 5000 - 50000

(*) These default values assume an installation on OS/2 LAN

Manager version 2.0, running on top of OS/2 version 1.21,

with 8 MB of RAM installed. These values can vary widely.

However, it is generally best to use the defaults created

by the installation process unless you thoroughly understand

their interrelationship.

If these six parameters are tampered with, it can force SQL

Server into an endless state of thrashing. For example, memory

must be reduced by about 38K to 42K for each user connection

that is added, open databases require about 1 K each, and so

forth. All of these parameters can be set to the minimum or to

the maximum; however, SQL Server absolutely WILL NOT run under

these conditions.

If this is indeed what has happened, then the following

procedure should be used to reset all of SQL Server's parameters

to what they were when it was originally installed:

a. From a system prompt, enter "net stop sqlserver". This will

ensure that all of the SQL Server software "knows" that it

has been stopped.

b. Change directories (cd\) to \SQL\BINP.

c. Enter "bldmastr /d c:\sql\data\master.dat /r /C", where "/d"

means that C:\SQL\DATA\MASTER.DAT is the complete path and

filename of the master database device (modify if

appropriate), and "/r" indicates that BldMastr should reset

the config block only. "/C" means that this is a

case-insensitive installation. If it IS case-sensitive,

leave off the "/C" switch.

d. Press the ENTER key and let the BldMastr program complete.

e. Shut down and reboot the computer.

f. Restart OS/2 LAN Manager and SQL Server.

More Information:

This information is partially documented on page 145 of the "Microsoft

SQL Server System Administrator's Guide" for version 1.1.

Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 4.20