INF: ISQL Lines That Have Already Been Typed in Can Be Edited

ID Number: Q67623

1.10 1.11 4.20



You can edit ISQL lines once you have typed them in by following the

instructions below:

1. You must have a "SET EDITOR=<path>\<editor name>" line in your

OS/2 CONFIG.SYS or MS-DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For example:


2. Type "ed" at any line number prompt.

This allows you to edit all of your ISQL lines, back to the last

GO. Lines prior to the last GO are, of course, inaccessible for


You can also call your editor from the first line "following" a GO

("1>") command and re-edit your previous query.

You can also use this technique to add any boilerplate lines you

want to import.

Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 4.20