PRB: Error 2102 Occurs While Installing SQL Server on Novell

ID Number: Q67626

1.10 1.11 4.20




While installing SQL Server version 1.1, 1.11, or 4.2 onto a Novell

NetWare local area network (LAN), an error of "error calling

Netserverenum" "code 2102" was displayed.


The NETAPI.DLL file and SQL Server were not installed correctly.


The following steps can be used to resolve this problem.

1. There is a NETAPI.DLL file on the Novell installation disks

that is NOT automatically installed. It can be found on one

of the NetWare disks in a subdirectory called "\SQL". There

is also a README file with instructions on how to install this


2. SQL Server must be installed using the "standalone" menu

selections when putting it on a Novell network.

More Information:

A future set of SQL release notes will contain language similar to the

following regarding Novell networks:

Novell Compatibility


SQL Server 1.1 is supported on a Novell network with the Novell OS/2

requester. Follow the Novell installation instructions to install the

OS/2 requester with named pipe support.

To install SQL Server 1.1, run the Setup program. Choose the

standalone server option instead of the network-based server option.

With the current Novell implementation, there is a limit on the number

of connections (open dbprocesses) that can be made to SQL Server

running on an OS/2 requester. The maximum number of possible SQL

Server connections is 32. When this maximum number of connections has

been reached, the OS/2 requester machine that SQL Server is running on

issues the following message:

NPDAEMON: Error out of run time resources.

Each database connection requires one SPX session. The value of the

SPX sessions parameter can be increased if required.

Usually, no other reconfiguration of the OS/2 requester is necessary.

There are also some limitations that affect the System Administration

Facility (SAF):

- SQL Server cannot be started remotely from within SAF.

- SAF uses LAN Manager login IDs as defaults for various operations,

and these are not supported in a NetWare environment.

- Servers cannot be hidden on the network.

Additional reference words: requestor 1.1 1.11 4.2